Our Women in Leadership Event: A Great Success!

Our Women in Leadership event held in Duluth was a huge success! Thanks to the over 60 community members and their families who shared their evening with us at our picnic style event. We heard stories from five powerful leaders in our community: Rep. Jennifer Schultz, Renee Van Nett, Annie Harala, Rebecca St George & Emily Larson. Each of them highlighted the importance of women holding positions of leadership in our city. We also had tons of fun with the science show for the kids, led by core team leader Elizabeth Kersting-Peterson, and we listened to the great music of talented local artist, Maddy Sitter.

Beth leads an experiement

Thankfully, we had great weather for the event, and took advantage of the opportunity to celebrate the power of women in leadership with our neighbors.  A huge thank you to our speakers, all the great women, for sharing stories and to Karen Perry for being a wonderful MC of the event. Thanks to Rep. Paul Thissen for attending the event during his visit to Duluth. And last but not least, thanks to our Duluth core team for their deep commitment to make this event happen. Your hard work behind the scenes is greatly appreciated. Now, we’ll let the pictures of the event tell you everything else we’ve missed here. Thanks to Ivy Vainio for taking such wonderful pictures.

Posted in Our Blog

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