This Week in Action: The TakeAction News Digest

Dear friend,

As you probably know, we soft-launched our 100 Days of Justice, Joy & Solidaritycampaign a couple weeks ago in response to COVID-19 after surveying our members. We’re continuing to evolve and grow based on what we’re hearing from our networks – including you.

Thank you so much for reading and wrestling with us each week. We really appreciate the feedback and emails we’re getting from you.

You can find our content, ways to take action, and resources on our website.

Starting next week, we’re bringing artists and cultural workers into the fold too. Let’s be real, we’re not going to make it through this without them.

Improvisers with the Theater of Public Policy are taking over our TikTok channel (@TakeActionMN) for 100 days. We’ve also got a livestream concert coming up with the 100% Campaign and a very special guest which we’ll be announcing on Monday too.

Get on our text list for the latest news. Text ACTION to 79606 to join.

As always, we love to hear from you.

Here’s what we’re reading, watching, and listening to this week:


People want to make ends meet during this global crisis, not risk their lives to go to work. Last week, two Denver nurses took a peaceful stand in front of right-wing protesters. Check out the pictures and videos that went viral.

Tomorrow, rise in solidarity with the workers giving us life (from your home). While a small group protests outside of the Governor’s residence, post your #MNSolidarity pictures online.


This is what happened when healthcare workers encountered anti-lockdown protests. 💪#healthheroes #covid19

♬ Rise Up – Andra Day


Insulin advocates and the elected officials fighting alongside them proved this: the days of Big Pharma killing people with out of control drug prices are numbered. Read our new blog: The best lobbyists money can buy.

Earth Day

This Wednesday marked the fiftieth anniversary of Earth Day. Rolling Stone interviewed one of the creators of the holiday about climate change, organizing, and seizing the moment. It’s worth a read. Find the interview here.

Climate Change

With so much of the planet socially distancing, air pollution is down. Milan, Italy has an ambitious plan for keeping emissions low even after its lockdown lifts by building out its biking and walking infrastructure. Read more.

Crip Camp

Highly recommended Netflix documentary about the civil rights revolution led by people with disabilities. Checkout the trailer and add it your watch list.

Essential Workers

A reader sent in this one: how are frontline workers who are keeping us fed, working in grocery stores and on farms, experiencing this crisis? Read their stories.

Distance Learning

Moving our public education system online hasn’t been easy for anyone, but students of color and low-income students are facing bigger barriers than their white peers. Hear directly from students in Teen Vogue.  

Vote by Mail

Wisconsin primary voters were forced to choose between their health and casting a ballot during the pandemic. Minnesota’s Secretary of State is fighting to make a vote by mail option is place in case we need it. It’s a wonky, but critical. Read about MN GOP push back this week (and call your legislators!).

Anti-Asian Racism

“Never has our interconnectedness and our reliance on each other been plainer. You can’t stand up for some and not for others.”

The racism that Asian Americans are facing right now due to COVID-19 is not new, but it is dangerous. The actor John Cho wrote a piece for the LA Times about discrimination and what it means to be an American. Read it here.

New Moon in Taurus

Find out what it means for your astrology sign. It can’t hurt to know. Read horoscopes by Chani Nicholas. Also, check out beautiful pics of the earth seen from the moon.

That’s a wrap. Enjoy the sunshine this weekend.

— Kenza Hadj-Moussa and Patrick Burke

Posted in Our Blog

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We need a statewide, multiracial movement to change who decides and who benefits in Minnesota. And we need you to be part of that.

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