Mondays are notorious for mixed feelings, especially right now, as we navigate compounding crises of the climate emergency, the global pandemic, and our nation’s inevitable reckoning with centuries of racial capitalism built to keep the people – especially Black, Indigenous, people of color, women and femmes, queer and trans folks folks – poor, sick, and pitted against each other.

This week was no different. The passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, beloved Supreme Court Justice, threw me into feelings of sadness, reverence, and clarity.
I am in awe of Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s incredible and complicated legacy, and there is no denying that Ruth Bader Ginsburg carved a mighty path for all of us in terms of gender equality. Read more about her and the other women in her Harvard Law class.
RBG was a champion of reproductive rights on the Supreme Court and with her passing, these rights remain very vulnerable. That’s why it’s so important to support local organizations doing the work of building towards a world free of reproductive oppression. Here are some organizations to follow on social media and support with your time and resources:
- UnRestrict MN is a community-supported public awareness campaign that aims to educate and motivate Minnesotans to stay informed about their rights and access to abortion care in the state.
- Our Justice works to ensure that all people and communities have the power and resources to make sexual and reproductive health decisions with self-determination.
- SPIRAL Collective is a volunteer full-spectrum reproductive options and support group comprised of doulas, birthworkers, and passionate reproductive justice advocates based in the Twin Cities area of Minnesota, occupied Dakhóta territories.
What keeps me grounded in this difficult time is being in relationship with all of you and our People’s Squad: people all over Minnesota that are clear on building a people-centered movement across Minnesota for a government and economy that works for all of us.
Together, I believe we can turn our rage and grief into powerful action. We’ll swear in people’s champions up and down the ballot, flip the Senate, and connect with thousands of Minnesotans that are also ready to rise up for a joyful, caring, and just future.

#SquadUp with me. Sign up for a voter contact shift to help us have deep, meaningful conversations about this election and our endorsed candidates with folks across the state.
Election season has started. Have you requested your ballot yet? Fill it out and mail it back as soon as you get it. Check out our Busy Voters’ Guide if you need support.
Let us know why you’re a voter and your vision for a joyful, caring, and just Minnesota. Tag us at @TakeActionMN. We can’t wait to hear from you.