What’s happening on Grandparents Day

Last weekend, I used “FaceTime” with my Grandma Marion who lives in North Carolina. FaceTime isn’t complicated, it’s just an app on a cell phone that lets you video chat.

Jobs and Justice 4 All

It’s Labor Day weekend and according to Angela Glover Blackwell Executive Director of PolicyLink, unemployment in the African American community has been a problem for six decades. We are talking about sixty

We Never Got a First Chance

The other day I had a scary experience that I and many black women experience over the course of our lifetimes. My partner, a dark-skinned, young, African American man, was

What’s happening in the North Country

It’s been a busy summer in the North Country for TakeAction Minnesota. We wanted to make sure you knew what we’ve been up to, so we’ll be writing a blog

Locked Up Locked Out

This past Saturday at Locked up Locked out, community members came together to talk about the impact of the criminal justice system on our community. Shvonne Johnson Associate Dean of

Locked Up Locked Out + Jobs

We know that people with records face barriers to employment, housing and democracy and to add insult to injury, big companies make even BIGGER profits from us — but won’t

Sharing our stories at Locked Up Locked Out

Jamil Jackson grew up on the North side of Minneapolis with two parents and was active in school and sports. By age 16, Jamil found himself as the man of