Liz Doyle, Covering All Kids

As many of you know, TakeAction Minnesota led the successful grassroots and legislative campaign in 2009 to expand public health coverage to thousands of Minnesota children.  Good news: this important law

Chris Conry, Breaking Down the Bush Tax Cuts

Our Congress is preparing to vote again on the Bush Tax Cuts.  After a two year extension the cuts are set to expire on December 31, 2012.  When paired with

Justin Terrell, Closing Our Worst-in-the-Nation Racial Jobs Gap

According to a new study released by the Economic Policy Institute, the Twin Cities, again, has the nation’s highest level of racial disparity in unemployment. Two years ago, the EPI

Liz Doyle, Celebrating a Tremendous Victory While Looking Forward

Earlier today, the Supreme Court ended the debate over the Affordable Care Act and ruled conclusively that Obamacare is constitutional and here to stay. With the Supreme Court hurdle now

Abby Schanfield, Women’s Health at the White House

Recently, I was invited to attend a townhall on women’s health and the Affordable Care Act hosted by the White House and the Department of Health and Human Services. Some

Anna Odegaard, Why People Hate to Shop For Health Insurance

Most people would rather file their taxes than shop for health insurance.  And the person they trust the most for advice on choosing a health plan is, for better or

Liz Doyle, TakeAction & Friends Beat Back Key GOP Attacks in 2012 Legislature

The legislative session is newly finished.   Over the course of a contentious few months, TakeAction members and leaders were an integral part of defeating several right-wing attacks on health care