Victori Vu, And They Thought That Was Funny?

Growing up, I used to be a KDWB listener. I’d tune in every morning as it kept me company on my drive from home to college every day. I was

Meredith Webb, The Money Is There, We Need It For Care!

Today I joined other TakeAction activists to visit the offices of the Minnesota Council of Health Plans, a group that represents HMOs in Minnesota.  We wanted to speak with them

Dai Thao, Go Back to Your Country, But This IS My Country!

My family and I came to Minnesota in August 1983. We came here as political refugees from Laos. My father joined the war when he was 14. Almost all my

Mike McMahon, LSP: Why We’re Here At the Tractorcade in Wisconsin

The Land Stewardship Project is here today participating in the Farmer-Labor Tractorcade being led by Wisconsin farmers because of the actions taken by Gov. Scott Walker.  Walker and his allies

Jonathan Maurer-Jones, Photo ID: Taking Away Our Right to Vote

Requiring a photo ID to vote might sound like common sense.  But it’s a terrible idea for Minnesota’s nationally-lauded election system.  Here’s why. Two bills are moving through the Minnesota

Steve Rogness, Part II: Minnesota and Wisconsin United – As Always – To Stand For Workers’ Rights!

Minnesota and Wisconsin have both played key roles in advancing workers’ rights over our histories. One of Wisconsin’s earliest crusader was “Fightin’ Bob” Lafollette. His firebrand campaigns against “Stalwart Republicans”

Doug Williams, Wisconsin Gov. Walker’s Attacks On The Middle Class

It’s not complicated. It’s actually pretty straight forward. It’s not about the money concessions being demanded from state workers. It is about a power-grab by major corporations to weaken unions, weaken