Get loud for reproductive freedom 📢

People march for abortion access with text that reads "abortion access can't wait."

Everyone deserves access to the care they need.  

Fifty years ago, on January 22, 1973, Roe v. Wade guaranteed us the legal right to abortion. Devastatingly, this could be Roe’s last anniversary before the Supreme Court overturns it. 

At this pivotal moment, we can’t take our rights for granted. Each year, anti-abortion advocates gather at the Minnesota Capitol around the Roe Anniversary to pressure lawmakers to roll back our rights. We – the two-thirds of Minnesotans who support reproductive freedom – must be louder. Too many legislators still don’t understand the strong support for abortion care in our state. 

As Minnesota lawmakers convene for the start of legislative session on Monday, January 31, tell them we’re clear on our values: everyone – regardless of race or income – deserves access to safe, affordable abortion care without fear or shame.  

For too many pregnant people, abortion care has always been out of reach. Roe never guaranteed everyone who needed an abortion could get one, especially Black, Indigenous, immigrant, low-income people and people living in Greater Minnesota. In Minnesota, anti-abortion lawmakers have been quietly passing laws for decades that restrict abortion access, intimidate providers and patients, and increase costs.  

Soon, Minnesota could become the only state in the Upper Midwest where people can safely and legally access abortion care — but access remains too restricted to serve everyone who may come to our state seeking an abortion.  

For this Roe anniversary, demand our legislators recommit to protecting and expanding abortion access. 

Together, let’s get loud for reproductive freedom – for ourselves, our neighbors, and future generations. 

In solidarity, 

Trisha Harms (she/her) 
Communications Director

Posted in Our Blog

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