This month in organizing: September power building updates

Once a month, instead of our regular News Digest, we’re sending out this membership newsletter that includes updates and invitations to act with TakeAction teams building power: parents and caregivers, Duluth renters, high school students, and musicians. Whether you’re a member of one of these teams or part of TakeAction’s general membership, this newsletter is one way to keep up with our community. Welcome to the first edition! 

This month, we’ve got updates about  

📚 high school students learning campaign skills, 

🎸 musicians picketing with workers at First Ave, and 

🌊 reflections on organizing from TakeAction member Will Richardson, a leader with Duluth Tenants Union. 

Let’s dive in! 

We’re making moves: Timely team updates and calls to action 

Join Twin Cities United Performers to picket with First Ave workers on Saturday ✊🎵

In fall of 2023, 300 Twin Cities musicians mobilized in solidarity with First Ave venue workers who organized (and won!) a union. Out of that momentum, a group of those musicians formed Twin Cities United Performers, driven to make Minnesota the best place to be a musician. Now, one year later, TCUP members are showing up again in solidarity with First Ave’s UNITE HERE Local 17 workers as they bargain for fair pay in their first contract. Join UNITE HERE’s picket this Saturday, 9/28 from 12-2p at First Ave (701 N 1st Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55403), featuring live music from TCUP musicians. Follow Local 17 for updates.   

Youth Organizers get ready to campaign to make bathrooms more accessible

🧻 After collecting 700 survey responses from their peers last year, a group of Saint Paul high school students spotlighted a bathroom crisis in their district. Now, a growing crew of students, mostly from Central High School, are preparing to campaign for cleaner, safer, and more inclusive bathrooms as part of our Youth Organizers team. In late August, they attended a campaign skills camp to learn fundamentals like base building, research, power mapping, and strategy planning. Stay tuned for ways to plug in and act with students.  

We’re chatting with: TakeAction member Will Richardson

What team are you part of, and what are you trying to win? I’m a member of Duluth Tenants Union! We’re organizing for a Duluth where everyone has access to safe, healthy, dignified, and truly affordable housing. Housing is a human right – and we’re working toward actualizing that.

What’s one thing you’ve learned about yourself since you started organizing? I’ve immensely evolved as a person and leader. I lead the canvassing team for Duluth Tenants – and even last year, I didn’t think I’d be able to lead like I am now. It has been super fun to plan, train, and coach others to have awesome conversations on the doors. I have a voice that can inspire folks to join in our work and act.

How can folks build power and act with your team right now? Renters in Duluth, please take and share our survey, and join us for a full Union meeting. Our next one is Wednesday, 10/2. 

We’re learning about: Building power via campaigning

“Campaigning has lots of steps, and they are intentional – it’s different from mobilizing. You’re working a bigger strategy.”  

That’s the key takeaway TakeAction Youth Organizer Cierra Brown drove home to students at her campaign skills camp in August. So, what’s the difference between mobilizing and campaigning? Campaigning is a connected series of actions building toward a specific goal. Mobilizing is a one-time action at a key moment – like a picket or a protest. Well-designed campaigns build power (win or lose!) by growing the leadership of the people advancing it and by shifting the narrative about what’s possible for our communities. Curious to learn more? If you’re a parent or caregiver, join MN United Parents on October 13 for Campaigns 101. If not, reply to this email to find another opportunity to plug in. 

We’re reflecting on: Election Season

We get involved in elections to shape the conditions we’re organizing and campaigning in year-round. We need leaders – from school board to Congress – who will push back on right-wing and corporate power grabs and work with us to build strong public institutions that deliver for our families and communities. That’s why we’ve endorsed in key Minnesota House races in 2024, and you’ll hear more from us soon on how to discern which school board candidates to support. See our endorsements, and make your voting plan with our Busy Voter’s Guide

TakeAction is a member of People’s Action, which is doing critical work in swing states during this presidential election year, organizing volunteers to have over 450,000 deep canvass conversations to turn people out to the polls and defend democracy. Join an upcoming phone bank. 

We’re chuckling at: Childcare memes

If childcare is part of your budget, these memes spark more of a chuckle/cry/chuckle/cry. 😅 Plug into MN United Parents to organize toward universal childcare. Follow us on Instagram for more memes, news clippings, and invitations to act. 

And that’s a wrap!  

How was your September? Let us know! 

More soon, 

Laura Kiernan (she/her) 
Member Organizer 

Laura Proescholdt (she/her) 
Digital Strategist

Posted in Our Blog

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The problems we face are bigger than one campaign, one issue, or one election.

We need a statewide, multiracial movement to change who decides and who benefits in Minnesota. And we need you to be part of that.

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