Make your plan to Vote
Election season is here, and we’re ready to harness the power of our democracy.
General election
Vote by mail deadline: Oct. 22
Early voting: Sept. 20-Nov. 4
General Election Day: Nov. 5
Fill out the form below to check and update your voter registration status.
CHoose Your Candidates

See who’s on your ballot

Check out our endorsed candidates

Vote by mail
Mail your ballot back by July 29 for the Primary Election and October 22 for the General Election to make sure it gets counted.

Vote early in person
Early voting runs June 28-August 12 for the Primary Election and September 20-November 4 for the General Election.
Vote on Election Day
To cast your ballot, get in line by 8pm on August 13 for the Primary Election and November 5 for the General Election.
Questions? Email us.