5 Reasons to Rank Sheila Nezhad for Mayor

🤝Sheila has strong experience as a community activist and organizer. 

🗳She supports the public safety and rent stabilization charter amendments.  

🏛She is accountable to the people and ready to co-govern with us while challenging the status quo.  

🦸She leads with the knowledge that power comes from the people – and believes our policy-making should come from the people, too. 

🌻She believes that we deserve to thrive, not just survive – we deserve self-determination, abundance, and joy. 

Sheila Nezhad is a TakeAction Minnesota endorsed candidate for Minneapolis Mayor, along with climate scientist and former state representative Kate Knuth. Sheila is a community organizer, policy expert, and has deep ties throughout her Minneapolis communities.  

Rank Sheila Nezhad and Kate Knuth 1st or 2nd on your ballot – and #DontRankFrey

Posted in Our Blog

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