Text Bank to Stop Line 3

We will need all of us and more to stop this pipeline. This crisis can’t be ignored. TakeAction Minnesota has pulled lists of progressive Minnesotans who live along the pipeline route,

Text Bank to Stop Line 3

We will need all of us and more to stop this pipeline. This crisis can’t be ignored. TakeAction Minnesota has pulled lists of progressive Minnesotans who live along the pipeline route,

Text Bank to Stop Line 3

We will need all of us and more to stop this pipeline. This crisis can’t be ignored. TakeAction Minnesota has pulled lists of progressive Minnesotans who live along the pipeline route,

Deep Canvass Phone Bank to Stop Line 3

We will need all of us and more to stop this pipeline. This crisis can’t be ignored. TakeAction Minnesota has pulled lists of progressive Minnesotans who live along the pipeline route,

Deep Canvass Phone Bank to Stop Line 3

We will need all of us and more to stop this pipeline. This crisis can’t be ignored. TakeAction Minnesota has pulled lists of progressive Minnesotans who live along the pipeline route,

Deep Canvass Phone Bank to Stop Line 3

We will need all of us and more to stop this pipeline. This crisis can’t be ignored. TakeAction Minnesota has pulled lists of progressive Minnesotans who live along the pipeline route,

Deep Canvass Phone Bank to Stop Line 3

We will need all of us and more to stop this pipeline. This crisis can’t be ignored. TakeAction Minnesota has pulled lists of progressive Minnesotans who live along the pipeline route,

Deep Canvass Phone Bank to Stop Line 3

We will need all of us and more to stop this pipeline. This crisis can’t be ignored. TakeAction Minnesota has pulled lists of progressive Minnesotans who live along the pipeline route,