State rolls out MinnesotaCare 2.0

Significant changes were made to the state’s insurance program for the working poor during the 2013 legislative session Jeff Nygaard has been enrolled in MinnesotaCare for nearly two decades. Last

Rosenblum: Banning the box was a start, not the end

Turns out, Ban the Box is just the beginning. A victor of the 2013 legislative session, the new bill requires employers to remove the question, and the check box, that

Advocates for poor say MNsure’s 2-tier enrollment system is unfair

ST. PAUL, Minn. — The state’s new online health insurance marketplace, MNsure, is banking on community groups and other grass-roots organizations to help people sign up for health plans. MNsure

Minnesota’s tax plan: It’s not overreach; it’s overdue

“That is the task which we begin today: to inaugurate an age in which our will is equal to our hopes. I believe that our people are waiting, and are

Minnesota’s new health laws: We’ve got answers to your questions

It was a big session for health legislation at the Minnesota Capitol. Lawmakers expanded the Medicaid insurance program in February and met a federal deadline in March to pass legislation

Minnesota politics shaped by grassroots involvement

What a difference one election can make. The list of populist achievements in this year’s legislative session is long and impressive. Marriage equality. A new health care exchange free of

Corporate Tax Loopholes Hurting Education System in Minnesota

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – May 10, 2013Contact: Emily Bisek, 952.237.2429, emilyb@local284.comGreta Bergstrom, 651.336.6722, CORPORATE TAX LOOPHOLES HURTING EDUCATION SYSTEM IN MINNESOTA, NEW REPORT FINDSReport released Friday links corporate tax loopholes