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Interconnectedness will Save People and our Planet

March 9, 2020
10 años de primavera. 10 years of spring. That is what Guatemalans call the decade from 1944 to 1954, when consecutive presidents Arévalo and Arbenz kicked out extractive U.S. corporations
TakeAction’s 2020 Caucus Guide
You’ve probably heard a lot this year about Minnesota’s first ever Presidential Primary.
But all 134 Minnesota State Representatives, 67 Minnesota Senators, 8 U.S. Representatives, plus one of our U.S. Senators are up for election this year too. And we pick the nominees through caucuses and conventions.

Bernie Cares: Why We’re in it for Bernie Sanders
Our destinies are tied together Minnesota’s Primary Election Day is Tuesday, March 3. For weeks, we’ve been texting and calling TakeAction Minnesota members across the state about Bernie Sanders. Here

Health, Medicine, and the Public Good
I’m thrilled to share that the first committee hearing for the Prescription Drug Price Affordability Commission bill is tomorrow.

We Can’t Wait: Take Action for Bernie
Bernie Sanders’ campaign gives me hope that my five-year old daughter and her descendants can not only live but thrive in a world that isn’t burning.

Protect Our Care
Republicans are still trying to repeal the ACA through the Texas v. US lawsuit We believe that no matter where we live, what we look like, or what’s in our

TakeAction Minnesota’s 2020 Legislative Priorities
We believe in good, people-centered governance and support policies that promote justice and equity, and are grounded in core principles: in Minnesota, we care for each other and every person has inherent worth and dignity, no exception. When everyone pays their fair share in taxes, we have enough for everyone to thrive.

A Busy Voter’s Guide to the Presidential Primary
For the first time since 1992, Minnesota will hold a
presidential primary election on March 3, instead of a poll at party caucuses (which are also happening). This means that for many Minnesotans, this will be our FIRST TIME voting in a presidential primary election. HELL YES.