Liz Doyle, Fighting a Bad Exchange

The conversation about the development of a Minnesota Health Benefits Exchange is moving quickly at the State Capitol.  Beginning in 2014, over 1 million Minnesotans are expected to use the

Abby Schanfield, A Morning With Sec. Sebelius

On Friday March 23, the Secretary of Health and Human Services, Kathleen Sebelius, visited Minnesota to celebrate the second anniversary of the Affordable Care Act. The Secretary is visiting various

Paul Sobocinski, Minnesotans Need a Voice in Health Exchange

While big-money insurance corporations amass premiums and fees to add to their already excessive “reserves” and administrative costs, the lack of access to affordable health care is a serious problem

Rebecca Terk, People Power V. Corporate Power

Keep The Teeth in Minnesota’s Interim Ordinance In Big Stone County, where I live, a proposed aggregate quarry by a North Dakota-based corporation has united local residents around protecting the

James Cannon, Hypersensitive? Hardly

Hypersensitive? Not in the slightest. Poll tax, reading tax, Voter ID bill. The Voter ID bill is Obama backlash, plain and simple. More first time voters went to the polls

Gene Nichols, I Oppose the Photo ID Amendment

This morning I stood at the Capitol with TakeAction Minnesota Executive Director Dan McGrath to draw the line between the 1% and conservative-introduced amendments that would make a photo ID

Jess Alexander, What We Wouldn’t Trade California For

I am organizing a new economy for a long list of reasons.  In our current economy, thousands of motivated, hard-working people can’t find jobs.  Other are chained to their jobs,