It’s time to interrupt the status quo

It’s a beautiful day to get grounded in abundance, and clear on what we’re fighting for in Minneapolis this fall. 

When we talk about voting YES on Question 2, we’re talking about voting YES for a city where public safety is fully funded and fully accountable. Question 2 lets us get there by:

  • Removing barriers to staffing and funding, so our communities can be served by trained professionals like social workers, mental health specialists, violence prevention and interruption specialists, and teams dedicated to working with survivors of sexual and domestic violence. 
  • Democratizing public safety. Right now, the mayor has complete oversight over the Minneapolis Police Department – the only department that has this structure. The new Department of Public Safety would function under shared oversight from the Mayor and City Council, like every other city department. The Mayor and City Council would nominate and appoint a department commissioner so the city’s public safety functions could finally be managed by citywide democratic representation.
  • Interrupting the status quo that has led to more violent policing, less accountability, and less safety for everyone. 

As TakeAction-endorsed Minneapolis mayoral candidate Kate Knuth reminded us today, “the status quo is not a path to a safer Minneapolis. We do not have to choose between justice and safety.” She and Sheila Nezhad know that the people of Minneapolis are united for change – and they’re ready to work and co-govern with us to challenge the status quo. Read through Sheila’s and Kate’s plans for public safety, and make your plan to vote this fall. 

This week, Mayor Frey, his police federation, and their corporate allies dragged us through another well-funded rabbit hole of lawsuits, fearmongering, and disinformation – all to interrupt our democratic processes and keep the people of Minneapolis from having a say in the future of public safety. 

Early voting starts on September 17, and we need all hands on deck to win.

Join us in growing the understanding and people power we need to build a system of public safety that includes, serves, and protects all of us – no exceptions. Connect with your neighbors and have meaningful conversations about public safety in Minneapolis through deep canvassing. Register to phonebank or doorknock with us! 

Posted in Our Blog

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