
2024 TakeAction Annual Fundraiser

ThURS, 6/13, 5-7pm
PAIKKA in Saint Paul

Each year we gather to celebrate the progress we’ve made and invest in the organizing ahead. After three years of hosting the People’s Celebration online, we’re excited to come together in-person and at a new time of year for our refreshed Annual Fundraiser.  

Join us for 

😎 VIP speakers 

🎷 Musical performances from our Twin Cities United Performers (TCUP) member leaders 

💃 A community celebration that holds the hard and the hopeful together


EVENT details and logistics

Building a Politics that is by us, for us

TakeAction Minnesota is strong because people who have known us since our founding and those who are just getting to know us invest their time and money into building a political home with us. Raising independent dollars allows us to meet rapid response moments with clarity, courage and infrastructure to make our politics possible in the real world. This year, we are asking you to dig deep and give a donation meaningful to you. 


Check out our 2023 Impact Report to learn more about our work organizing toward a multiracial, gender inclusive democracy where all of us have what we need to thrive.

Our current member leader teams include:  

🏘 Duluth Tenants

✏ High School Student Organizers 

🧸 MN United Parents

🗳 Political Committee

🎶 Twin Cities United Performers