Why We Need to Change the Minneapolis Charter

No matter the color of our skin or where we come from, all of us deserve to live in a community where we feel safe and where our lives are valued.

Through our grief and pain over the murder of George Floyd, we are united by our resolve to defend Black lives. As groups like Black Visions, Reclaim the Block, and MPD150 have long stated, the crisis at MPD is decades in the making. We have the moral responsibility and civic duty to act together. We have the power to build a city that is anti-racist and safe for everyone.

Member Meeting: Reimagining Public Safety

The movement to divest from police and invest in communities is not new. For years, Black and brown organizers in the Twin Cities have been pushing us to reimagine public

Minneapolis Will Dismantle Its Police Force, Council Members Pledge

After the accusations of police brutality through the years, the failed past attempts at reform and then the horrific footage of Mr. Floyd’s killing — as well as the police response to protests that has included rubber bullets and tear gas — major changes to policing in Minneapolis are now inevitable, said Kenza Hadj-Moussa, a spokeswoman for TakeAction Minnesota, an advocacy group.

“No one feels safe calling the police, period,” she said. “They’re not doing their basic function of public safety.”