Yes 4 Minneapolis: Take Action to Transform Public Safety Together

The Yes 4 Minneapolis campaign is a Black-led, coalition-model campaign that seeks to replace the Minneapolis Police Department (MPD) with a new department of public safety by amending the Minneapolis City Charter.

We have the moral responsibility—and the power—to defend Black lives and transform public safety together. The murder of George Floyd and years of data have made clear that the crisis and failing of MPD is bigger than any one Mayor or Chief can solve. We have a civic duty to act and create a city that is safe for all of us.   

Yes 4 Minneapolis is a campaign that unites concerned citizens, neighbors, businesses, organizations, and residents across the city who have been impacted by police violence. Together, we’re using the power of our local democracy to change the Minneapolis charter and create a new Department of Public Safety.  

Change Starts With Us

In 2021, Minneapolis residents have the power and responsibility to use our local democracy to create a city that is safe for all of us. Change must start somewhere—and it can start with all of us. The Yes 4 Minneapolis campaign is part of a two-step democratic process to create a new, commonsense path forward on public safety:   

  1. Allowing Minneapolis residents to vote on a Charter amendment on November 2, 2021 that would establish a new Department of Public Safety and replace language passed by Minneapolis voters 60 years ago. A people’s petition will get this on the ballot.  
  1. Passing a Department of Public Safety city ordinance that defines the functions, structure, and details of the new department through a community-engagement process.  

The Yes 4 Minneapolis campaign proposes amending the City Charter to:

✅ Establish a new Department of Public Safety in the City Charter that would integrate and oversee a continuum of public safety efforts, including police and non-police responders, that create safer communities for everyone in Minneapolis.  

✅ Remove City Charter language passed by Minneapolis voters in 1961 that arbitrarily mandates a minimum number of Police employees. It would give Minneapolis the same flexibility other Minnesota cities have to decide how to best meet urgent safety needs.  

✅ Increase public transparency and oversight by placing the Department of Public Safety under the purview of the Mayor and City Council, in line with other City departments.  

Take Action:

We need you in this fight with us.  

Register for a deep canvass doorknock or phonebank to connect with Minneapolis voters and engage in meaningful conversation about the future of community safety. 

Donate to elect a progressive slate of candidates to make our vision for public safety that includes, values, and protects everyone a reality.