Vote Mai Chong Xiong and Keith Ellison

Graphic image: Dark blue background with photos of Keith Ellison and Mai Chong Xiong. Text below photos says "Keith Ellison for Attorney General, Mai Chong Xiong for Ramsey County Attorney" with the TakeAction Minnesota logo.

At TakeAction Minnesota, we believe in a politics that is by and for the people – where we care for each other, protect our climate, put community at the center of public safety, and support bold leaders who show the political courage and moral clarity we need to create the future we deserve.   

Vote Mai Chong Xiong for Ramsey County Commissioner

Mai Chong Xiong for Ramsey County Commissioner, District 6

Mai Chong Xiong is a longtime community leader running to serve St. Paul’s upper East Side, Payne-Phalen and Conway-Battle Creek neighborhoods on the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners.

For the past decade, TakeAction Minnesota has seen Mai Chong’s leadership in action as an organizer and policy expert in St. Paul and our former Board Chair. As the daughter of Hmong refugees, Mai Chong is grounded in a vision of social, racial, and gender justice and is deeply connected to community in St. Paul—she’s a leader for the people.

As County Commissioner, Mai Chong will bring a record of accomplishment in public service and community organizing that builds the power of the multi-racial working class. Residents across Ramsey County stand to benefit from her commitment to movement-building, people-centered governance, and vision for what better politics can be. We are proud to endorse Mai Chong Xiong and ready to elect her this fall.

Endorsements include: TakeAction Minnesota, Minnesota DFL, Twin Cities DSA, Stonewall DFL, AFSCME County 5, St. Paul City Councilor Nelsie Yang, Ramsey County Attorney John Choi, & more public leaders.

Vote Keith Ellison for Attorney General

Keith Ellison
Keith Ellison for Attorney General

As the People’s Lawyer, Keith Ellison knows that every person counts, and every person matters. In his first term as Attorney General, he used the full power of his office to hold corporations accountable, support women’s economic security, and prosecute the ex-police officers who murdered George Floyd. When many high-ranking elected officials refused to acknowledge the failures of the Minneapolis Police Department and opposed City Question 2, Keith Ellison supported the creation of a new Department of Public Safety–the Minneapolis Police Department is now coming under a consent decree with the State for its pattern and practices of racial discrimination and human rights violations. 

These are just a few of Keith Ellison’s notable actions and accomplishments as Attorney General:

  • Sueing Exonn Mobile and Koch Industries for lying to the public about climate change when the industry knew the consequences of fossil fuels for decades
  • Taking on Big Pharma for illegally price-fixing generic medicine, price-gouging insulin, fueling the opioid crisis, and leading with TakeAction for a Prescription Drug Affordability Board
  • Standing up to predatory student lenders, slumlords, and HMOs attempting to legally walk away with billions of dollars that belong to the public.

As Attorney General, Keith Ellison has gone to bat for the people of Minnesota, leading with moral clarity and political courage. We have his back and are ready to re-elect the People’s Lawyer, Keith Ellison.

📣 Get ready to make your voice heard and be a voter. Make your plan to vote for Mai Chong Xiong for Ramsey County Commissioner and Keith Ellison for Attorney General by November 8!