Uncovering the Value of Reproductive Labor

Reproductive Labor, as defined by Mignon Duffy in “Doing the Dirty Work: Gender, Race, and Reproductive Labor in Historical Perspective” (2007): • Work that maintains daily life (physical or mental health, food preparation and service, cleaning, personal care) or • Work that reproduces the next generation (care of children and youth)

Reproductive Labor, as defined by Mignon Duffy in “Doing the Dirty Work: Gender, Race, and Reproductive Labor in Historical Perspective” (2007):

· Work that maintains daily life (physical or mental health, food preparation and service, cleaning, personal care) or

· Work that reproduces the next generation (care of children and youth)

100 Days of Justice, Joy & Solidarity

Dear Friends,

At this time in history, we’re facing an unprecedented global pandemic and economic crisis. We’re interconnected and will get through this together, or not at all.

And while I communicate for a living, I know words don’t suffice right now. So many TakeAction Minnesota members and loved ones are facing a crisis at proportions we’ve never imagined. We’ve heard from so many of you in recent weeks and are grateful for what you’ve shared with us.

Our world is being turned upside down.

Town Hall with Rep. Dan Wolgamott

Join TakeAction Minnesota and Rep. Dan Wolgamott, one of our legislative champions, as we discuss how to step up to meet this moment, demand the policies our communities need, and

Women of Color Solidarity Sit Down

Calling all Women of Color: We’re gathering on Zoom together to connect, tell our stories of how we’re impacted by COVID-19, and dig into ways to support each other. This

LGBTQ+ Solidarity Sit Down

Calling all LGBTQ folks in Minnesota: We’re gathering on Zoom to connect, tell our stories of how we’re impacted by COVID-19, and dig into ways to support each other. This