NEWS STATEMENT: TakeAction Minnesota Statement on $2.2 Trillion Federal Stimulus, State Negotiations

We need a people-centered stimulus that leaves nobody out

St. Paul, MN–Today, members of Congress and state legislators are acting to address the unprecedented economic turmoil caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. TakeAction Minnesota, with our national affiliates, are deeply concerned by who’s included in the federal stimulus and who is poised to benefit the most. TakeAction Minnesota released the following statement.

The Stimulus Package: Who Decides? Who Benefits?

When it comes to politics and policy, the question isn’t whether government is big or small, but who is our government working for.

We believe in good government that’s by and for the people.

Today, we’re thanking Sen. Tina Smith and Sen. Amy Klobuchar for standing with people and small businesses and voting NO on Senator Mitch McConnell’s corporate slush fund bill.

March Member Meeting

We are calling together a statewide membership meeting to connect with our leaders, members and partners in the movement. We will come together to discuss and hear about how we can meet this moment with clarity, abundance and love for our community. If you are trying to figure out where, how and with who to act with please use this space to find clarity.

NEWS RELEASE: Bipartisan solution to address out of control drug prices advances the state House

ST. PAUL, MN—Today, the Minnesota House advanced a bipartisan solution to address out of control prescription drug prices. The bill would establish a Prescription Drug Affordability Commission to evaluate drug prices and protect Minnesotans from out of control drug costs.

Travis Paulson, a type 1 diabetic from Eveleth who runs a patient advocacy organization and organizes caravans to pharmacies in Canada testified in support of the bill. Paulson is facing long-term health complications from rationing insulin, which at times cost him $1,500 per month.