Contact: Kenza Hadj-Moussa, 612-386-9556 NEWS STATEMENT TakeAction Minnesota Statement on Senate and House DFL Unveiling of Minnesota Values Project (St. Paul, MN)–Yesterday, the Senate and House DFL unveiled the 2020
While I was out, the news broke that Big Pharma is suing to block the Alec Smith Emergency Bill which took effect in Minnesota on July 1. For so many people fighting every day to afford their life saving medication, there is no such things as a break. No matter what, we will not back down.
No matter who we are, what we look like, or how much money we have, every person deserves access to affordable medicine. Whether it’s a vaccine or treatment for COVID-19, insulin, or chemotherapy, we’re all at risk when we can’t get the medicine we need.
As the economy teeters, elected officials are racing to make changes to the nation’s Unemployment Insurance system. But in a country that ties health insurance to employment, we need to ask: what about health care?
There’s no question about it. Everyone needs health care, period. Especially in a pandemic.
ST. PAUL, MN—Today, the Minnesota House advanced a bipartisan solution to address out of control prescription drug prices. The bill would establish a Prescription Drug Affordability Commission to evaluate drug prices and protect Minnesotans from out of control drug costs.
Travis Paulson, a type 1 diabetic from Eveleth who runs a patient advocacy organization and organizes caravans to pharmacies in Canada testified in support of the bill. Paulson is facing long-term health complications from rationing insulin, which at times cost him $1,500 per month.
No matter we live, what we look like, or how much money we have in our pockets, everyone gets sick. Illness reminds us that at our core, we’re all human.
I’m thrilled to share that the first committee hearing for the Prescription Drug Price Affordability Commission bill is tomorrow.
Republicans are still trying to repeal the ACA through the Texas v. US lawsuit We believe that no matter where we live, what we look like, or what’s in our
At TakeAction Minnesota, we believe our health care system should make us healthier, be people-centered, and leave nobody out. We’re clear that the pathway to universal, affordable, accessible health care is through the public health care, not the failing private market.
The only abortion clinic in Northern Minnesota, WE Health Clinic, is situated in downtown Duluth. The unassuming stone building is distinguished only by the large words on the front: “Building for Women.” WE Health Clinic has provided reproductive health care since 1981, co-founded by Tina