Our fundamental rights are under attack. We’re not going to take it.  

Photo from July 17, 2022 March for Abortion Access in St. Paul, MN: The back of a person holding a cardboard sign which says "RISE AND FIGHT!" in red marker. Marchers can be seen in the background.

Demanding leadership from our congressional electeds has never been more important. We need the U.S. Senate to pass the Women’s Health Protection Act and the Ensuring Women’s Rights to Reproductive Freedom Act, which would codify Roe v. Wade into law and reaffirm the right to travel across state lines freely to access abortion.  

Our democracy is broken by design. We’re rebuilding it through collective wisdom, imagination and love.

Now, more than ever, we must imagine a new democracy. We’re imagining and building a future where our grief is transformed into profound collective action, and where each of us is ready to find a place in the movement to save each other instead of waiting for a politician or court to do it for us. When we act collectively, we have so much power.

Roe is Overturned – Four Ways to Act NOW.

Pink text on blue and white background: "Abortion is a human right."

Our solidarity in this moment is critical to protecting reproductive freedom – and we’re clear that this SCOTUS decision is about so much more than abortion access. Overturning Roe threatens the precedent that protects our constitutional human rights, from marriage equality and interracial marriage to trans rights and access to birth control. The implications of this ruling are far-reaching, and we all have a stake in what happens next.   

Preparing for a Post-Roe Reality

A yellow and black graphic that says "Roe v. Wade to be overturned."

With the Supreme Court poised to overturn Roe v. Wade any day, we’re staying grounded in the knowledge that abortion will remain legal in Minnesota; that we can amplify and support the decades-long work of abortion funds, freedom fighters, and reproductive justice champions; and that our liberation is bound together. Collectively, we have the power to care for each other and overcome this moment.