Supporters of Holton Dimick and Moriarty on who they support for Hennepin County attorney and why

Martha Holton Dimick and Mary Moriarty - photo Tony Nelson, MinnPost

Erica Mauter of TakeAction Minnesota said her group’s endorsement of Moriarty stems partly from her acknowledgement that the county’s criminal legal system is rife with racial bias and her commitment to restorative justice.

Moriarty’s platform promises to center victims in her office’s approach, offering support services and transparency in how her office prosecutes their offender.

“She understands that achieving justice depends on what the survivors of crime need and want, and building systems that will take that into account,” Mauter said. “That’s different from a mass incarceration, ‘lock them all up’ approach, which we have evidence and plenty of data to show that just doesn’t work.”

Who is running for Hennepin County Attorney? 

Light blue and white text on a dark blue background: Who is running for Hennepin County Attorney?

TakeAction Minnesota is proud to endorse Mary Moriarty for Hennepin County Attorney, a critical public office with broad authority to advance justice. This midterm election matters and there’s a clear choice. We need someone who will move toward interventions focused on public safety and treat everyone equally under the law. Mary Moriarty is the only candidate who will fight for the people in order to deliver true justice for all of us.  

Alexander becomes Minneapolis’ first community safety commissioner

Cedric Alexander speaks during the Minneapolis City Council's Committee of the Whole on Aug. 2. Screenshot via video

“We’re seeing a department that is likely to be far less transparent or accountable than we’d been pushing for in previous campaigns,” Hadj-Moussa said. “One of the reasons for that is having one commissioner at the top who reports to the mayor, who has no oversight from the city council, is just going to make all functions of public safety fall heavy on that one person.”

Our democracy is broken by design. We’re rebuilding it through collective wisdom, imagination and love.

Now, more than ever, we must imagine a new democracy. We’re imagining and building a future where our grief is transformed into profound collective action, and where each of us is ready to find a place in the movement to save each other instead of waiting for a politician or court to do it for us. When we act collectively, we have so much power.