A farewell and an invitation

Author LyLy Vang-Yang, TakeAction Minnesota Cultural Strategy Manager

TakeAction Minnesota Community,  As I shared in my last email, I’m leaving TakeAction Minnesota to manage a Minneapolis City Council campaign. This is the last email you’ll receive from me, and I’m leaving you in good

A Just Transition is About Possibility

For me, one of the hardest things to envision about the Climate Crisis is what a better future could look like. So many of us can imagine the scary things – increasing fires, polluted water and air, extreme temperatures – but we can’t imagine what true climate justice is. We’ve never been given the tools to imagine what something better could even be, which keeps us from making it real.

Commit-to-Challenge Dinner

Join us at our Commit-to-Challenge Dinner! Together, we’ll make a commitment to challenge false scarcity narratives that tell us we don’t have enough. The COVID-19 pandemic has shown us that

Reimagine Safety Up & Down the Ballot

Building on our wins last November and the national uprisings for Black Lives,  we are ready to bring the power of our Deep Canvass Program, to make communities safe.  Join