People’s Squad – Voter Outreach Shift

Join the People’s Squad for a virtual voter outreach shift! Sign up now to join Minnesotans across the state who are coming together to this election season to make the

Trump isn’t trying to win the election

President Trump isn’t trying to win the election. He’s trying to stay in power.

What’s the difference? To win an election, he needs a majority of the votes. To stay in power, a militant minority (and a willingness to break the rules) will do.

It’s scary stuff. But our fear is counterproductive. It demobilizes us. It adds to our doubts & cynicism. Our project, then, for the next seven weeks, every Friday, is to turn fear into power and focus on the future.

The People’s Squad – Virtual Kickoff Party

The People's Squad: Virtual Kickoff Party, Thursday, September 17, 2020

Forget Election Day. It’s Election SEASON. Early voting starts Friday, September 18 and runs until Monday, November 2. Join us (and some special guests) for a virtual election season kickoff

Minnesota Climate and Care Day of Action

Take action to get our Representatives in Congress to fight for a society and economy where all of us can thrive! Join us for a statewide banner drop on September