Get Out the Vote

We’re building a people-powered movement across Minnesota, fighting for a government and economy that works for all of us. Join us to get out the vote for the Minnesota primary

Get Out the Vote

We’re building a people-powered movement across Minnesota, fighting for a government and economy that works for all of us. Join us to get out the vote for the Minnesota primary

New Member Orientation

In times like these, deciding where to direct our energy can be daunting. We’re living through a pandemic, at the epicenter of a global uprising for racial justice, and the

Reimagining Community Safety

Connect with Minneapolis neighbors and plug into the work to defend Black lives and disband and defund the Minneapolis Police Department. Learn about alternatives to policing and practice political imagination

Senator Smith Introduces Make Medications Affordable by Preventing Pandemic Price-gouging Act in the Senate

No matter our age, race, or zip code, everyone deserves access to affordable medicine. Life and health should not be for sale.

As the entire world waits for an effective COVID-19 vaccine, we recognize that access and distribution of the medicine will be one of the country’s biggest ethical challenges. Pharmaceutical corporations, as we know, have no issue price-gouging life saving medicine developed with public funding.

POC Media Club

Join us for our People of Color Media Club. This is an intentional space to discuss POC creations. There are very few spaces where POC folks can gather and discuss

POC Media Club

Join us for our People of Color Media Club. This is an intentional space to discuss POC creations. There are very few spaces where POC folks can gather and discuss

POC Media Club

Join us for our first ever meeting of our People of Color Media Club. This is an intentional space to discuss POC creations. There are very few spaces where POC