
Who is Kim Crockett, and why is she running for Secretary of State?

The Secretary of State is the chief elections officer. While elections are administered by local units of government, the Secretary of State’s office certifies elections returns, operates the statewide voter registration system, oversees other election duties. In addition to elections work, the Secretary of State’s office conducts the review, approval, and filings of all businesses and organizations in Minnesota.

We Deserve Affordable Prescription Drugs

Far too many Minnesotans are forced to choose between prescription drugs and other necessities, like rent and groceries. Many are even forced to go without their medications. It’s time to change the rules and create an official body that asks why prescription drugs are priced so high and starts getting these costs under control. We need to tell legislators to pick a side: Minnesota’s families or Big Pharma’s profits.

Who is running for Hennepin County Attorney? 

TakeAction Minnesota is proud to endorse Mary Moriarty for Hennepin County Attorney, a critical public office with broad authority to advance justice. This midterm election matters and there’s a clear choice. We need someone who will move toward interventions focused on public safety and treat everyone equally under the law. Mary Moriarty is the only candidate who will fight for the people in order to deliver true justice for all of us.  

We’re doing politics as it should be. It’s working. 

At TakeAction Minnesota, we came into this election season clear on the stakes and challenges of this moment. At every level of government, we know that we need more than Democratic majorities to protect our reproductive rights, climate, and democracy. We need progressive leaders in office who will be champions with us to transition from fossil fuels, transform public safety beyond policing, build a caring economy, and deliver reproductive justice. 

Alexander becomes Minneapolis’ first community safety commissioner

“We’re seeing a department that is likely to be far less transparent or accountable than we’d been pushing for in previous campaigns,” Hadj-Moussa said. “One of the reasons for that is having one commissioner at the top who reports to the mayor, who has no oversight from the city council, is just going to make all functions of public safety fall heavy on that one person.”