
The Real Winners of Minnesota’s 2022 Election: Voters

In 2022, our democracy and our freedoms were on the ballot. We used our collective power at the polls to make our voices heard on the critical issues and compounding crises that matter most: defending our democracy, protecting our reproductive rights, transforming public safety, addressing the climate crisis, caring for our families and taking on greedy corporations that put profit before people. 

Looking Past Election, MN Groups Push Priorities

Minnesota State Capitol

TakeAction Minnesota, a grassroots progressive group, said no matter who is in charge, policymakers could put all Minnesotans on equal footing if they invested in such areas as child care and public assistance programs.

Trisha Harms, communications director for the group, said it is not only about helping people survive, but also allowing them to thrive.

“The richest Americans are accumulating more wealth than ever before, while the rest of us, especially low-income Americans, are actually getting poorer,” Harms asserted.

Supporters of Holton Dimick and Moriarty on who they support for Hennepin County attorney and why

Martha Holton Dimick and Mary Moriarty - photo Tony Nelson, MinnPost

Erica Mauter of TakeAction Minnesota said her group’s endorsement of Moriarty stems partly from her acknowledgement that the county’s criminal legal system is rife with racial bias and her commitment to restorative justice.

Moriarty’s platform promises to center victims in her office’s approach, offering support services and transparency in how her office prosecutes their offender.

“She understands that achieving justice depends on what the survivors of crime need and want, and building systems that will take that into account,” Mauter said. “That’s different from a mass incarceration, ‘lock them all up’ approach, which we have evidence and plenty of data to show that just doesn’t work.”

Who is Kim Crockett, and why is she running for Secretary of State?

The Secretary of State is the chief elections officer. While elections are administered by local units of government, the Secretary of State’s office certifies elections returns, operates the statewide voter registration system, oversees other election duties. In addition to elections work, the Secretary of State’s office conducts the review, approval, and filings of all businesses and organizations in Minnesota.

We Deserve Affordable Prescription Drugs

Pink and blue text on a white background, with a graphic silhouette of the State of Minnesota and the TakeAction Minnesota logo. "Prescription Drug Affordability Board"

Far too many Minnesotans are forced to choose between prescription drugs and other necessities, like rent and groceries. Many are even forced to go without their medications. It’s time to change the rules and create an official body that asks why prescription drugs are priced so high and starts getting these costs under control. We need to tell legislators to pick a side: Minnesota’s families or Big Pharma’s profits.

Who is running for Hennepin County Attorney? 

Light blue and white text on a dark blue background: Who is running for Hennepin County Attorney?

TakeAction Minnesota is proud to endorse Mary Moriarty for Hennepin County Attorney, a critical public office with broad authority to advance justice. This midterm election matters and there’s a clear choice. We need someone who will move toward interventions focused on public safety and treat everyone equally under the law. Mary Moriarty is the only candidate who will fight for the people in order to deliver true justice for all of us.